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Healthy Bones, Healthy Body!

Published on 12 October 2016  | Download | back to previous

As we may know, bones are extremely important for our existence, and without healthy bones, we may experience a number of ailments. The human skeletal system, made of bones, is the foundation that supports the human body. The skeletal system executes important functions such as protecting the vital organs, giving a structure to the human body, supporting movement, etc. It is extremely important to maintain the health of your bones. If your bones are not healthy, then you may start to experience conditions like joint pain, experiencing pain while moving/walking, stiffness in the joints, arthritis, etc. If you neglect the health of your bones, you may also be prone to serious disorders. So, if you want to keep the health of your bones intact, then you can follow certain tips, as suggested by orthopaedics and our chiropractor Laura.<br /> <br />1. If you are concerned about the health of your bones or if you have had a few fractures on a short term basis, you should get a bone density scan. This will give you a quantitative basis to work from. <br />2. Always aim to get some sunlight every day, as the vitamin D from sunlight helps your bones absorb calcium. <br />3. Ensure you add calcium-rich foods to your diet such as dairy product and fish but also cruciferous vegetables such as, broccoli and kale as without them your body will struggle to convert calcium to its useful components.<br />4. Consuming nuts is also a good tip for having healthy bones, as nuts like almonds are rich in calcium content and also magnesium and potassium, both important minerals for bone health.<br />5. Including eggs in your diet is considered a positive agent as the protein content in the eggs can minimise the risk of fractures by strengthening bones. <br />6. Exercising is extremely important for healthy bones. We react to extra demand by developing extra support, aka bone density. Concentrate specifically on abdominal exercise, as these core exercises can strengthen your spine so as to better distribute forces.<br />7. Quit smoking, as smoking can increase the risk of osteoporosis. <br />8. Maintaining a healthy weight, as obesity can make your bones weaker and it actually increases the risk of osteoarthritis. <br /><br />We like to think of health as in our control, therefore proactive healthcare is key. By following these simple lifestyle suggestions you should be able to maintain good skeletal health. If you are concerned about osteoporosis please seek help from a medical practitioner.<br /><br />Here is a recipe for Salmon Chowder to ensure strong bones<br /><br />Ingredients <br />• 3 tablespoons tub margarine<br />• 1 medium yellow onion, peeled and chopped<br />• 2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced<br />• 3 red bliss potatoes, skin on, diced<br />• 2 cups 2% reduced-fat milk<br />• 1 6-ounce can skinless, boneless, salmon, drained; or 6 ounces cooked salmon<br />• 1 tablespoon dried parsley<br />• Salt and fresh ground black pepper, to taste<br /><br />1. Heat margarine in medium saucepan over medium heat.<br />2. Add onion and sauté until nearly translucent; add garlic, stirring constantly and cooking until softened.<br />3. Add potato and milk to the pan.<br />4. Cover and simmer on low heat, stirring every few minutes or so, until potatoes are cooked, about 15-20 minutes.<br />5. Add salmon and parsley and stir. Serve warm. Refrigerate unused portion.<br />6. Makes 4 servings (about 3/4 cup each).<br /><br />Per serving: 348 calories; 18 grams protein; 35 grams carbohydrate; 3 grams fibre; 15 grams fat; 3 grams saturated fat; 0 trans fat; 40 milligrams cholesterol; 213 milligrams sodium; 169 International Units Vitamin D; 155 milligrams calcium.
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